Growing and growing!

Well apparently I really stink at keeping our blog updated! Somehow the last 10 weeks have flown by! We have been busy with work and Aaron finishing another semester at CWI (He did great this semester! Best grades he has ever had!) and of course we have been busy getting ready to add a little boy to our home.

A few weeks ago one of our friends came to visit from Pocatello and take some family/maternity photos. It was fun to have her stay with us and to see the pictures when she finished touching them up a bit. :)

We also had the lil' mans baby shower hosted by Aunt Lara. She did an excellent job planning some fun games (like guess the baby food- ick!) It was so fun to have people over and visit and of course eat yummy food! Since it is December we had a hot cocoa bar and muffins and fruit.

all of the fun gifts and swag from our very generous friends and family

Cleo checking out the fun toys after all the strangers left

My "halloween costume" for work- its a t-shirt that says "Pumpkin Smuggler" over my bump
 We are just about ready for the lil man to get here... I really can't complain too much about being pregnant. It is so fun to sit back and watch my belly wiggle and jiggle- especially when we are supposed to be paying attention at church :). I already feel like I know his little quirks and tricks- like if I sit at the table or desk too long he stretches out top to bottom pushing more room for himself. Whenever I start to worry about things it is like he knows and he will wiggle and I can't help but smile at our little miracle baby.

Thanks to my wonderful doctors and being super diligent in managing my diabetes he seems to be growing and progressing with out problems. A few weeks ago we had a little adventure and spent part of an evening in labor and delivery being monitored with contractions. After some medication and telling the lil man that he would get more birthday presents if he waited until February we were sent home. I have been taking it a little more easy and resting more and haven't had any problems since. However, I have seemed to develop a lovely pregnancy related rash called "PUPPPS" apparently about 1 in 500 pregnant women get to enjoy this, and you are more likely to develop the rash if it is your first pregnancy and if you are carrying a boy- that's me! So I pretty much have a super itchy rash all over my belly, legs and chest and the only thing that will make it go away is having the baby. To treat it I can take a small dose of benadryl (which is great at night to help me sleep- not so great during the day when I need to be awake), using lotion to keep my skin from drying out, and oatmeal baths (which are quite an adventure at this stage of pregnancy and really haven't helped too much). So we are getting even a little more antsy for this guy to pick his birthday. :) I have a feeling I will actually sleep more after he is born... is that possible? Just a few more weeks and then our lives will be changed forever!

P.S. Somehow I have also neglected taking pictures the past few weeks... so I will work on catching those up soon too! :)

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